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32nd Tactical Fighter Squadron  1954 - 1994
As a result of the Cold War and the threat from the then USSR, it was decided to strengthen the air forces in Central Europe. Together with other military measures it was decided that the Royal Netherlands Air Force would be reinforced  with a United Air Force Squadron in order to be able to comply with its NATO commitments.
On November 1, 1954 the first American military machine landed, for that purpose on Soesterberg Airbase. The 32nd Tactical Fighter Squadron "The Wolfhounds" was installed on Soesterberg Airbase.
The American squadron flew, amongst others, with the F86 Sabre. The Sabre period went from 1954 till 1956. (Source: cd-History 32nd Squadron "The Queen's Own" )

Prince Bernhard inspecting a Sabre in 1954.
The military men and their families generally lived in the Apollo district in Soesterberg. This area, because of its construction and facilities, had a typically American character.

The airbase was greatly expanded and acquired a closed character because of the increasingly stricter security. The American part of the airbase even had its own Military Police that had no problems with stopping Dutch military personnel. There was once even a Dutch officer spread eagled on his belly with an MP's cocked pistol pointed at him.

On Soesterberg Airbase: A "Dutch" warning.
The Base Chapel
Sign in the Sorties Support hangar at Camp New Amsterdam.
Buildings made of American wood in the Apollo district.(bron: cd- History 32nd Squadron "The Queen's Own")
Arrival of Super Sabre in 1956. Super Sabre period from 1956 -1960
Delta Dagger period:1960-1969 (bron:cd- History 32nd Squadron "The Queen's own")
The Phantom period from 1969 - 1978 (bron:cd- History 32nd Squadron "The Queen's own")
Prins Bernhard also flew the Phantom's (bron:cd- History 32nd Squadron "The Queen's own")
De F15 "Eagle" period from 1978 - 1994

After the disbandment of 32TFS the command was passed on to Colonel Ansink. At the entrance to the American part of the base the welcoming sign was adapted. . (Foto:Oscar Mulder)
Transfer of command  (Foto:Oscar Mulder)
Transfer of the Stars and Stripes (Foto:Oscar Mulder)
Transfer of the Stars and Stripes. The definitive end to the presence of the "Wolfhounds" in the Netherlands, after a period of well over forty years of. (Foto:Oscar Mulder)
The commanders of the 32nd until the year 1994.
(List updated october 2022 thanks to mr. Art Tabachneck)
The fall of "the Wall" in 1989 and the collapse of the Eastern bloc meant the definitive end of the Cold War. For the military organization this had far-reaching consequences. One of the consequences was the departure of the Americans and finally the evacuation of Soesterberg Airbase. On the American part of the airfield many Dutch military and civilians worked together with the members of the 32nd TFS. During the change of command ceremony in 1994, Camp New Amsterdam was transferred back to the Dutch.
The "Scramble" in the Zulu Hangar: 2 F15 Eagles for immediate departure in case of an incident. (Foto:Oscar Mulder)
The last commanding officer 32TFS: colonel Hodgkins (bron:cd- History 32nd Squadron "The Queen's own")

Text from the cd: History 32nd Squadron
"The Queen's own" Published by UGA Software in Zeist
Forword by Colonel Hodgkins for the CD: History 32nd Squadron,” The Queen’s Own”, (published by UGA Software in Zeist - Netherlands)

I have put this text at the beginning of this page about 32nd TFS because
it correctly reflects the way I think about the farewell of the Wolfhounds at Soesterberg. 

Construction of the Apollo district (Source:  CD-History 32nd Squadron  "The Queen's Own")
In the South-western corner of the airbase the military got their own encampment: Camp New Amsterdam. Here there were not only the shelters for the American planes and the squadrons technical support facilities, but also a school and all kinds of other amenities. For instance, besides a bowling alley and a health club, there was also its own church (the Base Chapel). The Commissary saw to it that the entrepreneurs in Soesterberg did not see many Americans in their shops.
Soester Courant, June 16, 1977: American  residential area in
Soesterberg officially taken into use.

Commissary in 1994 (bron:cd- History 32nd Squadron "The Queen's own")
A collection of badges of the 32nd  Squadron  from the CD: History 32nd Squadron "The Queen's Own".
Commander 32nd in conversation with Prince Bernhard  (bron:cd- History 32nd Squadron "The Queen's own")
Audio edit studio of the American Forces Network (AFN). The studio on the airbase from where special radio and TV  programs were broadcast for the Americans   (bron:cd- History 32nd Squadron "The Queen's own")
AFN radio / TV mast (bron:cd- History 32nd Squadron "The Queen's own")
The F15 shelters on the US site of the airbase. Photo taken from a KLu F-27 on juli 1981.
Photo is made by: G.J. Tornij.

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The Mission of 32TFS:

"To prepaire for and conduct all-weather operations in the roles of interception, identification and air superiority"

Film clip about the arrival of the USA Airforce in Soesterberg and the explanation why the Wolfhounds got their name.
Click on the image to start the film
A fragment of a TV broadcast, broadcast from Soesterberg airbase, from Newsroom from TV18 and Eagle FM from 1994.
With a look back at the departure of the F15 Eagles. But also a review of other broadcasts.
Click on the photo for the fragment.
A fragment of a TV broadcast, broadcast from Soesterberg airbase, from Newsroom of TV18 and Eagle FM with attention for the
Elementary school and the Eemland hospital, the Lichtenberg location in Amersfoort.
Click on the photo for the fragment.

Click on the photos above for the news broadcasts about the departure of the last F15's from Soesterberg.
A start was made with approximately 200 American soldiers. Those who were married were allowed to take their family with them. In the end there were around 3500 Americans, of which 1600 were soldiers. The cars they drove were American models: Ford Thunderbird, Chevrolet and Pontiacs, often with striking colors. The number plates also deviated. They were ordinary NL number plates, but they all started or ended with the letters GN -Geen Nederlander- (no Dutch).
Click on the photo for a short introduction video of the 32 TFS.

Film fragment of an F15 scramble from the ZULU hangar at Soesterberg. Click on the image to start the film.
The monument in memory of the American military served in the 32nd. Located along Highway A28 from Utrecht to Amersfoort, at the height of Soesterberg.
Picture on the right: Newspaper article on the occasion of the arrival of the first F15 Eagle at Soesterberg Airbase.
Click on the music note for 18 minutes of AFN Soesterberg soundbites and the National Anthem